Munich really is in a different country, huh?

    For the next month I am staying at the Meininger Hotel in the Olympiapark region of Munich, which is about a five minute bus ride away from the Hoschule Munchen campus. I’m living with three roommates, Jose Carlos, Fabian, and Owen. Like me, they are taking courses in the summer school and come from…

Week 0: Hi, I’m Sam

Hi everyone, I’m Sam Predmore, a rising senior majoring in Industrial Engineering here at the University of Pittsburgh, with a concentration in Operations Research and Computer Modeling and an Engineering Data Analytics certificate. Outside of class, I play on the club Ultimate Frisbee team, volunteer at Challah for Hunger, and will be working as a…

Work Hard Play Hard

Studying abroad in Berlin has been one of the best choices I’ve ever made, because I feel like I am experiencing so much and growing as a person. I have been working on a new project at work, which has taught me a lot about starting a business and the logistics behind it. Also, I…

I Want it All

Another week filled with great times and delicious food has flown by in Berlin. More new activities were experienced and places were explored. My favorite food of all time is pizza, but surprisingly my new favorite Berlin food has become doner. Doner has been around since the Ottoman Empire days, but I had not heard…

Becoming a Berliner

I’m only on week 3 of my IIP program in Berlin but I feel like I’ve learned so much already. One of my biggest takeaways from the first part of this experience is that living and working somewhere is very different from visiting as a tourist. I’ve traveled in the past to places with significant…

Is This Truly My Summer?

After 3 weeks in Berlin, I still find myself constantly reprocessing where I am. Even though I have settled into the city and my daily routine, it still seems so insane that I get to spend my summer in a place as great as Berlin. Looking back at the time I have spent here so…

Exceeding Expectations

These past few weeks have flown by. I’ve now been in Berlin for 3 weeks, and I can’t believe I’m nearing the halfway point. This past week was quite eventful, and I got to check a major item off my Berlin bucket list. On Sunday, I finally got around to checking out some of the…

Expectation vs. Reality

Hallo! I just completed the third week of my study abroad program in Berlin, where I learn something new every day. Before leaving for Germany, I tried to come in with an open mind, yet I still had expectations for how my experience would go. Expectations can be good or bad, depending on how you…

Living in Berlin

Hello again from Berlin! I can’t believe it’s been 2 weeks already it’s all just flying by. So much has happened since my last post. As each day passes, I’m slowly getting more and more comfortable in my home for the summer. I know where all the important stores are, and I’m getting better at…

My Home for the Summer

Guten Tag! After 2 weeks, I am starting to feel like a resident of Berlin, even if I do only have 6 weeks left. This city is so intricate and expansive, so it can be hard to find your way around each of the neighborhoods. For the summer, I am living in Charlottenberg, west of…