Late Expectations

    My program is a little unique when it comes to summer study terms, as it is five weeks instead of four. Our first week was spent taking a German class, with the next four weeks being dedicated to sustainability courses. I haven’t taken a language course since my junior year of high school, so…

Non-Kebab German Takeaways

    One thing that I learned quickly during my first two weeks in Germany is that, in this day and age, speaking very limited German doesn’t pose much of an obstacle to enjoying a trip here if you can speak English well. I’ve been taking German classes since I arrived, and at this point I…

Already Missing Berlin

I have officially left Germany, and it is such a sad feeling. Though I am still in Europe enjoying vacation with my family, I miss the specific Berlin routine that I had developed for myself. The commute to work, being in the office, then seeing everyone on weekends. My time in Berlin was amazing, and…

Dear Pre-Berlin Caitlin

Hallo younger self! And by younger self, I mean nine weeks younger. You are currently finishing packing for Berlin, and even though you’re excited, you’re freaking out because you’ve never left the country before, let alone for nine weeks. I’m so glad I caught you, so I can tell you not to bring that blazer!…

Ich Bin Ein Berliner

Hallo everyone! I am almost done with my internship in Berlin, Germany, which is making me reflect on the past weeks here. My time abroad has been so much fun that I am honestly dreading going back to the US. I’ve even been considering what life would be like as a full time resident of…

My goals, if you can call them that

    I’ll be honest, before coming here I wasn’t thinking of this trip in terms of what I wanted to accomplish. There were definitely things I was looking forward to experiencing and learning, but I hadn’t set any goals for myself in the traditional way, meaning trying to accomplish realistic, tangible objectives in a time-oriented…

Munich really is in a different country, huh?

    For the next month I am staying at the Meininger Hotel in the Olympiapark region of Munich, which is about a five minute bus ride away from the Hoschule Munchen campus. I’m living with three roommates, Jose Carlos, Fabian, and Owen. Like me, they are taking courses in the summer school and come from…

Week 0: Hi, I’m Sam

Hi everyone, I’m Sam Predmore, a rising senior majoring in Industrial Engineering here at the University of Pittsburgh, with a concentration in Operations Research and Computer Modeling and an Engineering Data Analytics certificate. Outside of class, I play on the club Ultimate Frisbee team, volunteer at Challah for Hunger, and will be working as a…

Work Hard Play Hard

Studying abroad in Berlin has been one of the best choices I’ve ever made, because I feel like I am experiencing so much and growing as a person. I have been working on a new project at work, which has taught me a lot about starting a business and the logistics behind it. Also, I…

I Want it All

Another week filled with great times and delicious food has flown by in Berlin. More new activities were experienced and places were explored. My favorite food of all time is pizza, but surprisingly my new favorite Berlin food has become doner. Doner has been around since the Ottoman Empire days, but I had not heard…