Nonprofit Work Down Under

 I am working at Disability Sports Australia, a nonprofit focusing on representation and opportunity in sport for those with disabilities. I requested to work in the nonprofit sector because I think it is extremely important for an organization to be mission driven. I have always wanted to work in the sector as a career, and am excited to be gaining more professional experience in this field. When working for nonprofits I think it is important to have a very motivated work ethic. The sector can be extremely draining with a large work load and a low salary. Staying motivated to continue serving the organization and its patrons is vital. I also think one needs compassion. Usually the work involves working with a vulnerable population in some capacity so the ability to care for and respect others is important. I think a major component to successfully working in another country is to understand their professional culture. The United States and other countries might have different values in the workplace. An important skill to have is cultural awareness and respect. Being able to adapt to different company cultures is the first step to being able to thrive in the work environment.

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