CUTF 3: Wrapping Up

CUTF has been my first foray into teaching. I have led meetings for clubs and given presentations for classes and fellowships, but I have never before had the opportunity to teach academic content to students. I am preparing to deliver a lecture to Prof. Bahler’s class in just a week and a half, and I…

CUTF 2: Teaching, Learning, Growing

When I took Science & Religion (S&R) with Dr. Brock Bahler my junior year at Pitt, I was thrilled to explore the intersections between my pre-med and Religious Studies courses. In class, we discussed concepts including how astronomy interacts with theism and how one might reconcile beliefs in both the divine and evolution. When Dr….

CUTF 1: “Queering” the Science & Religion Syllabus

Hi, Pitt Honors blog readers! My name is Yasmeen (she/her/hers), and I am a fourth-year at Pitt from outside Washington, D.C. A fun fact about me: I am certified to scuba dive sixty feet down into the ocean! At Pitt, I am on the pre-medical track and pursuing the Honors Degree, and I have majors…