A Chapter Comes to an End…

Over the course of the summer, I learned about how iterative the process of research is. Research is inherently creative in ways that I have had less experience with exploring. I scoured the internet for any information about my research problem and how others approached it. After exploring potential frameworks, I realized that I knew…

Ideas About Ideathon

Ideathon was a collaborative learning experience for creating and presenting a research proposal. Working with students from different disciplines highlighted how interdisciplinary research can be leveraged for practical benefits. Each student provided new frameworks to approach the research problem and solutions. Interdisciplinary research can ensure that a project or proposal has considered multiple audiences before…

Information Through Networks

The Brackenridge Fellowship has a wide range of individuals within its alumni network. I am interested in learning more about the Brackenridge alumni, David Leftwich, and his experience with technology and innovation. Technology has always been a passion of mine and I enjoy discussing new innovations within the field. Learning from other people’s career experience…

A Title About Subtitles

Movie subtitles advanced the spread of foreign films throughout the world. Adding translated text to the bottom of the screen during a film allowed for an entire nation to share their art and culture to another. Even though a film’s content remains unchanged, subtitles enable the artist’s message to spread across a wide audience. Subtitles…

Why’s everyone talking about cohorts?

The Brackenridge fellowship fosters collaboration across a wide range of interdisciplinary students with their own unique research interests. Over the course of the summer, we dive deeper into our passions of understanding more about a particular topic and exploring the ideas of others. One aspect of the fellowship involves students assembling into cohorts and integrating…

Let’s Talk About Jobs!

My project involves investigating job application behavior among students from different socio-economic backgrounds within an elite university setting. Elite universities represent the apex of higher education and should be able to promote significant social mobility for each of their students. A degree from an elite university should highlight a students’ credentials and open pathways towards…